Photos of #yarnbombSAM
Full Steam Ahead on #yarnbombSAM

Although I was worried about starting this project so late in the year, we are rolling! We’ve been meeting every Sunday afternoon out in front of the Springfield Art Museum for the last three weeks. It feels good to work outside whenever we can weather-wise, and being right by the sculpture helps remind us how […]
Sunday afternoon by the Art Museum

It’s good to study a location for installation and also nice to start working there to, if you can. Although we won’t wrap the sculpture until Oct. 19-20, this Sunday afternoon was such a beautiful autumn day that we quickly got together some quilts to sit on and a suitcase of yarn. Not having remembered […]
Dear Knitters, Crocheters, and Fiber Artists… We need your help!

We plan to yarn bomb Sun Target, a large yellow sculpture at the corner of National and Bennett in front of the Springfield Art Museum, 1111 E. Brookside Springfield MO, weather permitting, on the weekend of Oct. 19-20. The installation will be up until November 5th. You can contribute with a piece of any size, […]
48 hours at the Art Museum

Stop motion music video from our recent yarn bomb at the Springfield Art Museum